

Titan Education Trust Anti-Bullying Statement 2023-2024


Titan Education Trust is strongly committed to eliminating all forms of bullying, cyber bullying and harassment and will try to ensure that all its pupils feel safe in both alternative provisions. Where bullying exists, the victims must feel confident to activate the anti-bullying system within our Academies to end the bullying.  It is our clear aim to challenge attitudes about bullying behaviour, increase understanding for bullied pupils and to build an anti-bullying ethos in the Academies. We are driven by using our restorative justice strategies to support both victim and the perpetrator.


In addition, many of the “features of good practice” as listed by the Ofsted report – “Bullying:  Effective Action In Secondary Schools (2003)” form the basis of our objectives as listed below:


  • To develop a strong ethos in the Academies which promotes tolerance and respect, including respect for difference and diversity.
  • To demonstrate positive leadership from Senior Leaders and Governors on how bullying is to be dealt with within the overall policy on attitudes and behaviour.
  • To ensure a planned approach in PSHE programmes to the issue of bullying in a context which promotes self-esteem and confident relationships.
  • To ensure efficient patrolling by staff of Academies site, especially lunch queues and secluded areas, and to ensure a staff presence at the Academies gates at critical times of the day.
  • To provide quiet areas for those who feel threatened at break times (e.g. Oasis, Heads of House office).
  • To facilitate independent listeners, such as a Academies counsellor, Mentors, to whom victims of bullying may turn and secure and confidential e-reporting (in the case of gang related incidents).
  • To ensure prompt and thorough investigation of reported incidents, including contact with parents/Carers of victims and bullies.
  • To continue to record incidents on CPOMS and Arbor of bullying so that analysis can inform policy and practice


To underline this commitment the following guiding principles on tackling bullying are displayed in every teaching room throughout the Academies:


  • Bulling is completely unacceptable
  • If you are being bullied tell someone
  • If you witness bullying tell someone
  • People who help stop bullying will be given full support
  • Every reported incident will be investigated
  • Victims will be given full support






Basis For Effective Action


Action against bullying is seen as integral to the Academies general approach to behaviour.  Key features of that approach include:


  • a code of conduct agreed by the whole Academies community that defines unacceptable behaviour
  • All staff having a key role in improving behaviour and supporting those pupils with problems
  • clear rewards and sanctions for behaviour understood and taken seriously by the pupils
  • staff monitoring corridors, dining rooms, playground and the beginning of an Academy day and at the end of the Academy day and out of lesson times
  • periodic training on behaviour management for staff, including those new to the Academy, to ensure consistency of approach across the Academy
  • interventions, such as the use of our Oasis/Junction used to modify behaviour
  • record of pupil behaviour used to set targets and to discuss progress with parents/Carers.
  • involvement of external agencies to provide solution-focussed counselling, Art therapy and respite to modify behaviour.


Less tangible, but nevertheless powerful contributions to positive behaviour are steps taken by the Academy to create a sociable atmosphere and good relationships among pupils.  These include events, activities, clubs, trips, and the many extra-curricular activities with participation drawn from across the school.


Our Mission Statement establishes a shared commitment to tackling bullying, based on the British Values of respecting others, accepting diversity and demonstrating care and courtesy.  The Academy works hard to build an atmosphere of trust so that pupils feel secure about themselves and their place in the Academy.


Being realistic, we are likely to encounter incidents of bullying at Titan Education Trust from time to time.  Our anti-bullying policy has been developed to guide staff, students, parents and governors and to enable the whole Academies community to tackle bullying primarily in a proactive rather than reactive manner.


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